Windmill Pancakes & Waffles

Windmill Pancakes & Waffles

By: Van's Foods

Posted on: April 22, 2016

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Van's pancakes & waffles, Hazelnut Spread, Blueberry, Coconut Shavings, Kiwi, Pineapple, Black Frosting,


Start by cutting a rectangle out of a Van's pancake to use for the base of the windmill

Cut out 4 even rectangular pieces from waffles to use for the windmill fans

Place the waffle pieces on the pancake and put a blueberry in the center

Draw a "door" using hazelnut spread on the bottom of the pancake

Slice kiwis in half and place under the windmill

Cluster coconut in 3 separate spots to serve as the clouds

Cut out triangular slices of pineapple to create a sun

Draw 2 birds using black frosting