Underwater Adventure Waffles

By: Van's Foods
Posted on: May 22, 2017
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8WG Multigrain Waffles, Gluten Free Cereals : Any Gluten free cereal of your choice, Kiwi, Pineapple, Strawberry, Candy Eyes,INSTRUCTIONS
First, cut off 3 edges of Van's waffle.
Use the 3 strips cut from the waffle as the two fins and the tail.
Peel kiwi and cut off section for the head. Place head at the front of the waffle body.
Cut slices of kiwi and layer on waffle body for the fish scales.
To finish the fish, place 1 candy eye on the head and 1 piece of cereal for the mouth. Place blueberries next to mouth for the fish bubbles.
Place Gluten Free cereal along the bottom of the plate for the ocean floor.
Cut 5 strips of kiwi and place on top of the cereal for the seaweed.
For the starfish, cut a star shape from pineapple slice and place 2 candy eyes on top.
Create a crab by cutting out a circular slice from a strawberry. Then, cut out 2 small circles from the strawberry with a small gap in them to resemble claws. Place 2 small slices of strawberry for the feet. Finish the crab by putting 2 candy eyes on the strawberry slice.
Enjoy your Underwater Adventure creation!