Crabby Morning Waffles

By: Van's Foods
Posted on: September 12, 2016
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In case they need a little pinch to get out of bed in the morning! Perfect for those mornings that the kids wake up on the wrong side of the bed: Crabby Morning Waffles!
8WG Multigrain Waffles, Red Delicious Apples (legs), Strawberries (pinchers), 1 Bananas & Blueberries (eyes),INSTRUCTIONS
Toast one Van's Waffles according to packaging instructions. Cut the waffle into an oval shape to create the crab's body.
Cut the crab's legs from a red apple with the peel right side up.
Slice a strawberry the tall way to create the crab's pinchers. You will need to do this twice, once for each pincher.
Cut the banana into thin slices to create the whites of the eyes. Place a blueberry on each to finish the eyes.
Arrange the legs around the edges of the waffle, place the eyes towards the top, and finish it off by placing the strawberries at the ends of the top legs.