Berry Cream Delight Waffle Topping

By: Molly Kimball
Posted on: September 02, 2014
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Eating breakfast is good for you, but eating a breakfast with a boost of protein is even better. Protein-rich foods help to keep you fuller, longer, so you’re less likely to overeat later. And protein is essential for building and maintaining valuable calorie-burning muscle mass.
Van’s Protein waffles are among the highest-protein waffles on the market, with 10 grams of protein per two-waffle serving – about what you get in one and a half eggs.
Most waffles, however, just have about half that amount, so we’ve put together five interesting ways to pile more protein onto your favorite waffle.
This is one of those you’ve-just-gotta-try-it-before-you-judge-it recipes. Cottage cheese is packed with protein and calcium, but it’s certainly not the first thing most people think to add to their morning waffle. But try adding a low-calorie naturally-sweetened stick pack (like those usually added to flavor water bottles; I like Crystal Light Pure in Berry flavor) and see what you think – it adds sweetness and a fruity flavor to plain old cottage cheese. Mix one stick pack into a pint of low-fat cottage cheese, using more or less depending on personal taste preferences. Top your waffle with a quarter-cup, and store the rest in an air-tight container for up to five days.
Cottage cheese, Crystal Light pure in berry flavor,INSTRUCTIONS
Mix one stick pack of Crystal Light into a pint of low-fat cottage cheese, using more or less depending on personal taste preferences. Top your waffle with a quarter-cup, and store the rest in an air-tight container for up to five days.