Baaaa-nana Sheep Waffles

By: Van's Foods
Posted on: January 09, 2017
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Gluten Free Waffles Blueberry, Banana Slices, Blackberries, Kiwi, Clementine, Hazelnut Spread, Candy Eyes,INSTRUCTIONS
Prepare Van's waffles per packaging instructions.
Cut a banana and arrange the slices in a circular pattern on top of the waffle.
Cut a kiwi into small cubes and place them at the bottom of the plate to create a green pasture.
Place a single blackberry on top of the banana slices in the center of the waffle for the sheep's head. Cut small chunks of blackberry and place them on the sides of the head to create the ears. Place two candy eyes on top of the blackberry for the eyes. Lastly, place two blackberries at the base of the waffle to create the sheep's legs.
Place a clementine slice at the top of the plate to add a little sunshine to breakfast.
Finishing things off by creating a pasture fence with heated hazelnut spread.